
The quality management app for horticulture professionals

Say goodbye to loose excel sheets, paper notes and heavy inflexible systems. PlantScout is the registration-app for horticulture professionals!


Which tasks can you do with Plantscout?

Record observations digitally

PlantScout enables you to enter various registrations via an app on your mobile phone or ipad on site and then process them centrally if necessary.

Create professional quality and growth reports

Each report consists of a digital form with possible options for photos, ratings and comments. PlantScout offers standard forms, but you can also compile your own forms with characteristics according to your wishes. Reports can always be looked up via the central website and the app. Aggregated reports can also be compiled.

Share (quality) information internally and externally

It is very easy to share reports with colleagues and external parties. This way, for example, you can easily send your quality reports to your suppliers or customers. Sharing is possible via modern media such as WhatsApp, Email and SMS. You can also create PDF documents and make them available.

Support decisions with data insights

With PlantScout you always have full knowledge about your variety available on your mobile or via the website. The data can also be made accessible to Excel or professional tools such as PowerBI. In this way you can gain better insights into your varieties and suppliers.

Automate workflows

By working with PlantScout you can standardize various separate form flows. Because you standardize, it is also possible to further automate certain repetitive activities. You can think of task lists with notifications, periodic reports that are automatically forwarded, etc.
